Genealogy Information


Pearce Genealogy

The following page gives a full overview of the Pierce Family tree which includes many other families and also has the Pearce family subset. This page was created using Microsoft Word by coverting a Rich Text File format to HTML and includes many photos. If using dial-up internet at 56K, this page may take up to a minute or more to load. This is, and will be, an ongoing project that will need updating as more chidren are born and more of our family passes on. We should all thank Angella Perry Graybeal for all of her outstanding work in doing complete and accurate research on this project. This has been a work of passion for her that I am sure has been exhausting.

Use the following link to access her work: Pierce Family Memories

I will be creating an email address just for use here for those who wish to contact Angella about her work. I will add it to this page once that is setup. If you need to contact someone before then, use the contact form to contact me.

Use the following link to access the contact form: Contact Page

To see additonal information collected by Vaughn Brummitt, use the following link:  More Pearce Information

To find out even more on the Pearce's, and the Gideon Lewis connection, visit Dave Reedy's site:  Willam A.D Pearce Tree • Gideon Lewis Tree

Here are photographs of headstones: Pearce Headstones

I have added a new feature to the site that gives a graphical respresentation of the GED file Angel Perry has created based on the Pearce/Pierce family:

GedHTree Output

Here is some more information gathered about the Pearce/Hyder cemetary:

Pearce/Hyder Cemetary


Here is a link to the Carden Roll Call website operated by Trish Carden. It is a great site. It has great information about the Carden DNA project. Byron Pearson has traced my lineage from Presley Carden back to Ireland:

Carden Roll Call

This is the Carden Family Histoy site which has some really great information:

Carden Family History

This is Javan's Geneaology Page that contains information on my Carden roots from Reuben Carden down to my mother and uncles. The site covers Deloach family history and relatives:

Carden Tree on Javan's Geneaology Page

Information on my uncle Clarence Carden's veteran's record:

East Tennessee Veterans Memorial for Clarence Carden



This site contains my Blevins connection a very long way back. I am very impressed with the work on this site:

Blevins/Carden Information



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